Global Support Trust (GST) is a UK registered charity founded in August 2011, working both in the UK and internationally. Since 2011 we have worked in over 15 countries.
Global Support Trust has been founded upon the principle of fulfilling our obligation to those in need. Our work supports some of the most vulnerable people across the world. This help includes financial aid, emergency food response, healthcare, educational support for children and adults, and clean water solutions.
Unfortunately in the UK today, Islamic giving has become big business for the larger charities. Many are competing for our donations with glamorous fundraising events, glossy brochures and television advertising campaigns, however, this begs the question – how is this being paid for? With many people beginning to question how much of their donation is actually received by the intended beneficiaries; we decided that we wanted to focus on transparency.
We pride ourselves on the promise that the maximum amount of your donation reaches the beneficiaries. Each donation, large or small, is important to us and receives the same attention. In terms of Zakat, we can guarantee that 100% of your donation will reach the intended project. We are a smaller charity, granted, but it means we are able to pay attention to the details and ensure you receive the best service. It also means we are able to monitor and evaluate our work to ensure that the objectives are met and that any necessary changes are made.
We believe that providing regular feedback is very important, it is not just about asking you every few months to donate towards another appeal. We regularly update donors as to the progress of projects they have donated towards, as well as personally involving donors in fulfilling projects. The feedback occurs regardless of the size of your project.
We believe that you deserve to know how we are utilising your donation. Larger projects will be allocated a dedicated account manager. As well as written feedback, we invite our donors to personally visit larger projects upon completion.
Obviously we would like you to donate through us so we can increase the work we are doing and Insha’Allaah be able to help more individuals. However, if do not wish to donate through us please check where you are donating to ensure the funds are applied correctly.
If you have any comments or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.